6 Steps to Live More Fully Today
Isn’t life terrific? We have so many choices from inside to outside. You don’t have to delay to get more education or more money – just make the choice to walk through the door. Here are a few possibilities for you to choose from today. 1. Focus on the Now Your brain, body and whole self wants to focus on the present. That is where you make the most difference. You can’t change yesterday. You can’t...
Do You Feel Light?
Sometimes we let life and all we have to do bog us down. Because I actually like to learn and to have a to do list, I can recognize that I haven’t laughed in a while when my head is down and I am producing. Life needs to have lots of humour and at least some spontaneity. We need connection with others to feel light. Enthusiasm for and with others helps to make everything go better. Knowing what gives you meaning and knowing your very...
Know Yourself
Knowing yourself is a hallmark of people who are successful. This is not about imagining who you might be but really knowing your strengths and your vulnerabilities. Spending time really knowing yourself is important in life. Listening to others feedback. Sometimes I find that my clients do this step but their thinking involves a lot of negativity towards themselves, focussing on their failures in the past. Their life story becomes...