How will you Make Your Precious Life Count?

We began habits last week and we will continue with more habits to deal with our choices which in turn represents what your actions will be this week. Wednesday, we will look at making things happen when your motivation and energy deserts you. And on our final day on Friday we will review and look at some last tips in this series. Today begins a new giveaway that is one of my favourite tools to use. We are all familiar with a...

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Becoming a Great Anchor in Relationships

Did you ever wonder about that saying, “Two are better than one” ? Sometimes when times are challenging in relationships, the wondering can be there. When that happens, it is important to check yourself. Am I playing full out in the area of being an  anchor in my most important relationships? How important is this? In all the research on relationships (particularly Sue Johnson) when we are good at being an anchor and being...

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