Letting Go

Fall is a great time of the year. And if we let it, nature has a lot to teach us in each season of the year. Where I live (Vancouver, BC Canada) my flowers are still trying to bloom while the temperature is falling to 3% degrees C at night and the leaves are falling in droves. As I and many others excitedly begin new things in the fall months, it is important to consider what needs to be let go of. I am the type of person who thinks she can do it all (I am like the flowers still trying to bloom in the face of freezing temperatures) and I have difficulty in letting go. I have so much good in my life that what I am letting go of is good, not bad or even mediocre.  You might have that challenge too. But notice the leaves fall in this season as the tree nourishes and gets ready for new growth. I try to keep that in mind as I let go of what I need to in order to make time and energy for new growth. Perhaps I will be able to add that part back in to my life or it will take on a new form. Or perhaps not but what is before me is challenging and where I need to be. What in your life needs to be let go of? There are several places to look. What I have been talking about is time and energy. This is a good place to start. If you are adding something into your life that takes time it is likely you will need to let something go of regarding time. Another place to look is where you may be holding negative energy. This might be an issue of non forgiveness or holding hurt from someone you are in relationship with. It might also be your own sense of failure or regrettable incidences that you have participated in during the past year or more. Holding negative energy means you narrow and cannot be open and have all the energy you are capable of. Getting in touch with the part of you that is love and measuring your negative thoughts against love works well to put these thoughts in perspective and helps you to transform to openness and renewed energy for the new things in your life. Do this in a journal. It is important to actually write this out on paper – the brain likes it. Hope this helps you! Blessings – Go forth and live fully!


Author: Lynda Chalmers

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